Everyday Gourmet

Olivia and Nelson like to stay home cooking (Oli cooking and Nelson cleaning). Here is our blog to show off our food, and our LOVE.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Crazy Trip to KC

Nelson and I always wanted to try the famous BBQ in Kansas City. Since nel is leaving soon, so why dun we just go there? After BS, we started driving at one and arrive LC BBQ about 4:30, had a great meal and drove back to Ames. A total of 7 hours driving. Lovely~ Only Nel and I will do this crazy thing! I love you hubby~
Breakfast Lunch and Dinner: LC BBQ (Short end ribs, Lard french fries and Homemade sausage)

Dinner: Fake crab meat (egg white), Veggie and Black bean fish


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